About Us

Changing The Flow was founded in Waterloo Region in 2019 to advance menstrual equity by Kate Elliott and Kevin Hiebert.
Portrait of Kevin Hiebert
Interim President, Co-founder
Kevin Hiebert is a social entrepreneur, committed to supporting all people who menstruate.
He has ADHD (late diag), and only realised the about us portion of the website (his responsibility) was out of date AFTER he completed a transaction with easy. and understandably those customers might want to know who is now taking care of them.  yikes.
And yes the ADHD is a contributing factor, though not an excuse. 
So easy. clients (and others) reading this: Hi! (shy wave). 
This info will get updated, you can reach me directly at kevin at changingtheflow.ca 
Portrait of Kate Elliott
Past President, Co-founder
A Note from Kevin: While Kate is no longer connected to the operations of Changing The Flow, she will always be the co-founder and that recognition matters.
Kate Elliott co-founded Changing The Flow after finishing her MA at the University of Waterloo with a thesis entitled: “The System is Built to Exclude Them”: Using Sociality to Manage Health amongst Women Experiencing Homelessness. This research involved communicating with both marginalized women and organization stakeholders to understand both the individual and structural level circumstances around homelessness, and specifically relating these to women’s health.